Level: Any Teacher or Aspiring Teacher
Subject/Discipline: All Subject Teachers

FIP05MEC Samla Devi
' रस ' शब्द का प्रयोग भारतीय साहित्य में आदिकाल से ही विविध अर्थों में मिलता है । सामान्य अर्थ में इस शब्द का प्रयोग पदार्थों का रस , आयुर्वेद का रस …
Level: Under Graduate
Subject/Discipline: Arts and Humanities

FIP05MEC Pouriangthanliu
Course Outcomes- 1. An ability to comprehend the embeddedness of political and the social in each other. - 2. Familiarity with different the…
Level: Under Graduate
Subject/Discipline: All Subject Students

Level: Others
Subject/Discipline: Others

Level: Any Teacher or Aspiring Teacher
Subject/Discipline: All Subject Teachers

Level: Any Teacher or Aspiring Teacher
Subject/Discipline: All Subject Teachers

Level: Others
Subject/Discipline: Others

Level: Under Graduate
Subject/Discipline: Arts and Humanities

Level: Under Graduate
Subject/Discipline: Arts and Humanities

Level: Under Graduate
Subject/Discipline: Arts and Humanities

Level: Under Graduate
Subject/Discipline: Science